The situation with the new coronavirus in Sakhalin

At the moment (the beginning of March 20) there is no coronavirus in the Sakhalin Region, despite the relatively short distance from China. Regional departments have developed a number of measures to combat a potential epidemic.

Is there anyone infected with coronavirus on Sakhalin

There is currently no coronavirus on Sakhalin. At the moment, more than a hundred people have already become infected with this disease throughout Russia. It is present in many regions, but Sakhalin is not one of them yet. At the same time, geographical proximity to China did not become a prerequisite for the early spread of this disease on the island.

Is there panic among the population

No, currently the population of the Sakhalin region remains calm. There are no panic attacks.

Protective measures in the city

To prevent the penetration of the coronavirus epidemic in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the regional administration has planned an extensive set of measures.

Thus, in the field of school education, it is planned to move away from the standard classroom system, which consisted in the fact that different classes move from one classroom (physics, history, biology, chemistry, etc.) to another, constantly changing their place of study.

It was determined that all classes must be attached to one office, in which they will study, and only teachers will move from class to class. Students of each specific class will also eat in turn, so that children do not mix in the dining room

In kindergartens in the region, it is planned to suspend the teaching of music and physical education, which takes place in specialized rooms.

A recommendation was sent to the leadership of Sakhalin State University to transfer students to distance learning. Thus, university students will no longer attend lectures and seminars, they will be able to work on mastering specialties from home.

Also, the administration of the Sakhalin region requires the heads of institutions and organizations, including schools and universities, as well as theaters and cinemas and trade enterprises, to provide their visitors with antiseptics containing alcohol. To this end, it is necessary to place dispensers with appropriate products in such places, which would be in the public domain for all visitors.

In turn, the Ministry of Transport of the region organizes constant sanitary cleaning of vehicles and premises (including airports and railway stations) that are under the jurisdiction of this structure. In addition, the organizations of the transport sector carry out a survey of all those who use their services. The purpose of this measure is to determine which passengers have visited countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation during the previous two weeks.

The Ministry of Health of the region received an order to record information related to citizens' appeals with complaints of SARS or pneumonia. Also, this department received an order to use all resources to organize medical care for citizens at home. At the same time, visits to patients who have been hospitalized in a hospital are not allowed. It was decided that the days of a healthy child will not be held.

Rospotrebnadzor for the Sakhalin region, acting as a controlling organization, was instructed to develop a procedure for processing all vehicles transporting the general public. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor employees check the level of disinfection measures in transport organizations. They assist employees of organizations in the implementation of anti-epidemic actions.

An important direction in the fight against coronavirus is the analysis for the presence of this disease. The Minister of Health of the Sakhalin region emphasized that this action is necessary in two situations. Firstly, if a citizen has visited a state with an alarming epidemiological situation during the previous two weeks. Secondly, if the patient falls ill and is diagnosed with pneumonia, in this case, the need for an earlier stay in countries classified as a risk zone is not stipulated, the analysis must be performed without fail.

In addition, people who came from disadvantaged states, and after some time they showed symptoms of an illness that may or may not be a coronavirus infection, can contact the hotline of the Sakhalin Ministry of Health, where they will be given all the necessary explanations.

A total of 1,300 tests have already been performed in the region in order to detect coronavirus. So far, they have all tested negative, and no disease has been found on the island.

For comparison, almost three thousand people fell ill with influenza in the region. This disease is annual, and such numbers are quite common.

In addition, it is planned to hold interdepartmental exercises in the Sakhalin Region aimed at counteracting this infection. In the region, significant budget allocations have been allocated for the purchase of goods that serve for the individual protection of citizens.

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