The situation in Cheboksary with the new coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus is a new and not yet fully understood disease that emerged in China at the end of 2019. Within 3 months, the virus has penetrated almost all countries of the world and continues to actively infect the world's population. In Russia, the number of infected people is increasing every day, the number of regions where coronavirus has been detected is growing. Is there a coronavirus in Cheboksary, what is the situation today, and where to take a test for coronavirus, we will tell in this article.  

How many cases of coronavirus in Cheboksary

On January 31, 46, the school called an ambulance: a student who had recently arrived from China had symptoms of SARS. The girl was immediately taken to the hospital and placed in a separate box. However, after the analysis, the diagnosis was not confirmed.

The first case of coronavirus infection was discovered on March 19 in a local resident. The man returned from Brazil on a connecting flight via Switzerland, then flew to Moscow and on to Cheboksary. The man showed consciousness and himself turned to the medical services for examination. An analysis for coronavirus showed the presence of infection. Now the man is undergoing the necessary treatment at the emergency hospital in a special isolated ward under the supervision of doctors. The room has its own shower, toilet and separate ventilation. A man receives three meals a day, which is delivered to the ward through a special gateway.

According to doctors, today the patient's condition is assessed as satisfactory. The patient is not disturbed by anything except the state of weakness, there are no symptoms of SARS. However, we are not talking about discharge yet, since the patient was previously diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. All those who had contact with the infected (and possibly those who became ill with coronavirus in Cheboksary) were examined by doctors for the presence of the disease. No one has been diagnosed. Now they are all in isolation.

On April 2, another case of coronavirus infection was confirmed. The girl arrived in Chuvashia from Moscow. Before the trip, she passed the test for coronavirus, but did not wait for the results and decided to leave. The test showed an infection. The girl called an ambulance, and she was immediately placed in isolation. In connection with non-compliance with the isolation regime, the sick person will be held accountable. Law enforcement agencies have already initiated proceedings in this case.

The Regional Ministry of Health reported that 1,320 coronavirus tests had already been carried out in Chuvashia. The Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, where research is being carried out, works seven days a week, 200 analyzes are processed here per day.

Protective measures against coronavirus in the city

On March 18, a high alert regime was introduced on the territory of the Chuvash region. As part of it, it is forbidden to hold sports, entertainment and public mass events. The restrictions are in place for an indefinite period and will remain in effect until further notice.

From March 28 until special instructions from the Government of Russia, the Cheboksary Multifunctional Center was closed. Most of the functions will be available on the public services portal. Also stopped the work of 10 city baths and all weekend fairs. Movie theaters, shopping malls, fitness clubs and other leisure establishments have also been advised to close. Public transport will run according to the weekend schedule.   

From March 30, at the direction of the Cheboksary administration, entry into the Volga region will be restricted. This measure became forced, because instead of observing the regime of self-isolation, the residents went to barbecue. Over the weekend (March 28 and 29), more than 30,000 citizens visited the Zavolzhsky forests. In addition to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, the fire hazard in the region is also increasing. After the introduction of entry restrictions, only citizens permanently residing or working in the territory will be able to enter the Trans-Volga region. Control will be held according to special lists.

Throughout the territory of the Chuvash Republic, including Cheboksary, restrictions on the movement of citizens have been introduced. All residents are prohibited from leaving their homes, except in the following cases:

  • seeking emergency medical care;
  • commuting to work;
  • for groceries at the nearest store;
  • for medicines in a pharmacy;
  • taking out the trash;
  • dog walking near the house (no further than 100 meters from the home).

The distance between citizens on the streets or in a store must be at least 1.5 meters. In addition, the authorities recommended not to visit churches and other religious sites and to control the stay at home of children who are home-schooled due to the coronavirus. The restrictions were introduced until April 5 and may be extended.

Distance learning in Cheboksary

On March 15, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued recommendations to all educational institutions to switch to distance learning. And since March 16, the universities of Cheboksary began to take appropriate measures. So, on March 16, the Chuvash Agricultural Academy (ChGSHA) announced the introduction of a free visit regime. Since March 17 at the ChGU im. I.N. Ulyanov and at the Chelyabinsk Pedagogical University, classes will be conducted remotely. All public events will be held without spectators. Students and staff have been urged to cancel all overseas travel. The universities said that there would be no new mass events until at least April 16.

School holidays have been extended for another week (until April 5). It was announced the introduction of a “language week” for schoolchildren, within which Russian, Chuvash and foreign languages ​​will be taught remotely. In kindergartens, only duty groups were left for children whose parents work.

What does Rospotrebnadzor Cheboksary say about coronavirus

For advice on coronavirus, Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic of Chuvashia has created a hotline, by calling it, you can ask questions you are interested in and get advice from epidemiologists. Hotline phone: 8 (9352) 5823-48. You can also use this number to report arrivals from abroad.

The Chuvash Rospotrebnadzor regarding the coronavirus believes that thanks to the response algorithm worked out in advance, the republic managed to carry out all the necessary anti-epidemic measures in a timely manner. It is due to this that the low incidence rates in the region were achieved.

Rospotrebnadzor also reminded of the need to comply with the following recommendations during the coronavirus epidemic:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and use alcohol-based surface cleaners (especially gadgets).
  • Keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters, avoid shaking hands.
  • Avoid touching mucous membranes (eyes, nose and lips)
  • Be sure to cover your mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing and sneezing.
  • Wear medical masks if possible.
  • Do physical exercises, strengthen the immune system.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Cheboksary

Anyone can now get tested for coronavirus in Cheboksary. This was stated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic. To determine whether or not citizens have a virus, they will be in the laboratory of the AIDS Center for people without symptoms of SARS.

Previously, analyzes were carried out at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. However, even working 24 hours a day, the center did not have time to complete all the studies. At the same time, the hotline of Rospotrebnadzor began to receive requests from residents to be tested for coronavirus privately.

The Ministry of Health said that the AIDS Center has 500 tests for private checks. Such checks will be available to citizens who do not get sick and do not belong to risk groups, but simply want to make sure that there is no infection. Materials for analysis will be taken at home. To do this, you need to call the clinic and inform about the desire to be tested for COVID-19. After that, medical workers will come and take tests. The whole procedure is free.  

Attention! If the test result shows the absence of infection, it is still necessary to follow isolation and recommendations against coronavirus. The test does not guarantee that the person will not get sick the next day.

Coronavirus hotline in Cheboksary

The Ministry of Health in the Republic of Chuvashia asks citizens to report information about those who have arrived from abroad to the hotline of the Ministry of Health of the region by phone: 8 (8352) 26-14-14. The call is free. For advice from epidemiologists on issues of coronavirus infection, you can contact the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection on the hotline 8 (8352) 58-24-48.

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