How events with coronavirus are developing in Khabarovsk

In the Khabarovsk Territory, cases of infection with a dangerous viral infection, the coronavirus, have been registered. The article will discuss how events are developing here.

Are there infected people in the Khabarovsk Territory

Coronavirus in Khabarovsk begins to gain momentum. According to official figures, three cases of the new virus have been registered here. The identified patients were hospitalized. The condition of the patients is satisfactory. It is known that the infected visited Italy. Italy is one of the most disadvantaged countries in relation to coronavirus infection. 10 hospital in the Khabarovsk Territory received these three people.

The chief physician of the hospital states that the Chinese virus in Khabarovsk has been confirmed in due course. Patients receive the necessary treatment. They are in specialized boxes. The disease is mild.

After the coronavirus was discovered in the Khabarovsk Territory, the regional Ministry of Health announced the flight numbers from which respiratory patients were hospitalized.

At the moment, an investigation is underway in Russia, which will establish the circle of people with whom the sick people communicated. At a meeting of the city governor, a decision was made to instruct and inform all structures involved in the work to combat the disease. The whole situation is controlled by the Minister of Health and the governor of the city.

The situation in the city: is there a panic

To determine what the real situation is in Khabarovsk, the head of the city issued a decree - to examine all citizens of the region who are ill with pneumonia.

This issue was raised at a meeting of the sanitary commission to assess the current situation with colds.

Around the world, the situation with coronavirus is constantly getting worse. For this reason, a decision was made in the Khabarovsk Territory to take the necessary actions and increase preventive measures. It was also decided to test for the virus in everyone who has signs of a cold.

Footnote: “Due to the fact that more and more new cases of coronavirus infection are being registered in Russia, double control is carried out at airports for all passengers who arrive from abroad. Those who raise any suspicions are immediately sent to quarantine. Everywhere restrictions are imposed on mass events, disinfection is organized. During the recent inspections, a passenger from China was detained with suspicion of a dangerous disease.”

Physicians of the city noted the growth of patients who fall ill with SARS or influenza. The number of patients exceeds the permissible level. There are patients throughout the Khabarovsk Territory and around the city. Their number is up to twenty thousand. This situation has led to the closure of schools, kindergartens for quarantine. Due to the fact that there are suspicions of an infection, quarantine has been declared in the 7th hostel of Khabarovsk.

A hospital will be built for people with suspected coronavirus

In connection with the current situation in the Khabarovsk Territory, the city authorities decided to build a hospital with 500 beds for those who contracted the coronavirus. This medical facility is planned to be built in three months. Around the same time, the necessary equipment will be delivered and personnel will be selected. The place where the building will be built has already been chosen. This decision was made at the federal level. It was noted that after the decline in the incidence of a dangerous virus, the hospital will be retrained as an infectious hospital.

A specific date for the start of construction of the hospital is not known. This issue is under discussion with the Moscow authorities. Most likely, the new medical facility will work not only for residents of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory, but also for the entire Far East.

Footnote: “It has been officially established that most of those infected with the coronavirus are in Moscow and the Moscow Region. From March 18 to May 1, foreign citizens are prohibited from entering Russia. Public events have been canceled across the country.”

Protective measures in the city  

The government of the city of Khabarovsk noted that the city's pharmacies have a sufficient number of respiratory masks. Their cost does not exceed 10 rubles. The media paid increased attention to the topic of the spread of coronavirus infection. To avoid panic, it was decided to inform the residents of the city of a reliable situation in the city and the region.

Rumors that a resident who arrived from China found coronavirus were unconfirmed. The passenger turned out to be a Chinese citizen. Swabs taken from him showed that the resident of Hubei did not have a coronavirus infection.

The preventive measures taken, which are being carried out in the Khabarovsk Territory and Khabarovsk, are controlled by the employees of the operational headquarters. The situation in the Khabarovsk Territory is reported to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on a daily basis.

Recently, a boy died in Khabarovsk. Rumors immediately spread that he had a coronavirus infection. However, this information is false.

Doctors pay close attention to everyone who stays from other countries, as well as to everyone who goes to a medical facility with signs of a cold. These patients take smears from the oral cavity and nose. Analyzes are sent to the laboratory to detect a dangerous virus.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Khabarovsk?

Not all hospitals can take a coronavirus test in Khabarovsk. If a person comes from a country that has an unfavorable epidemiological situation, then he is recommended to self-isolate for 14 days. The same applies to people who will be staying with the traveler.

A person who has signs of an acute respiratory viral infection can be tested for coronavirus. The procedure is carried out for people who have visited countries with a large number of cases or have been in contact with sick people.

Biomaterial sampling is carried out by a nurse in a separate room. The medical worker is dressed in a special protective suit. A swab from the nose and saliva is taken with a medical spatula. Samples are placed in test tubes and sent for analysis to the virology laboratory, which is located in the city. After 3-5 days, the test results will be ready. Tests are carried out on people with pneumonia, contact with sick people, stay in countries with a large number of patients with coronavirus.

There are no cases of coronavirus infection in Khabarovsk. But, the region is preparing for a possible spread of infection, so rapid tests were delivered.

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