Beware of the pandemic, the coronavirus was not noticed in Irkutsk, but measures to combat it are being tightened daily

Coronavirus in Irkutsk keeps all residents at bay. Everyone is afraid of getting infected. The situation is complicated by the incidence of influenza and SARS, because their symptoms are extremely similar to those of the 2019 ncov virus. The diagnosis can be confirmed only in specialized medical institutions and only if there are signs of infection. The city is poorly prepared for the arrival of a pandemic; pharmacies lack personal protective equipment and disinfectants.

Who was hospitalized with suspected new coronavirus

At the beginning of the year, a number of measures were adopted in Russia to help combat the spread of the disease. Back in January, medical officials hospitalized 5 Chinese students with suspected coronavirus. All those who fell ill were new arrivals from disadvantaged regions and had symptoms of SARS at the time of the check at the airport. Not a single citizen of the PRC, after the examination, coronavirus was detected.

According to the latest information, on March 16, a Chinese virus in Irkutsk put a woman who had arrived from Vienna in a hospital bed. She was hospitalized from the airport building due to the presence of symptoms of the disease. In the infectious diseases hospital of Irkutsk, the passenger was provided with medical assistance, tests and the necessary tests were carried out to detect the virus.

A Chinese citizen was also hospitalized with suspected coronavirus, he had an elevated body temperature and other signs of SARS. In addition, new arrivals from other Asian and European countries fell under the heading “possibly infected”. Their number is 15 people.

Residents of Irkutsk are urged to cancel travel outside the region, and especially abroad. It is also recommended to limit the holding of mass celebrations and events, and educational institutions to conduct the educational process remotely. So, for example, Baikal State University canceled classes, students were transferred to the self-study mode.

Test results, are there any infected in the city

The tests carried out on the last infected showed a negative result. This fact confirms that there is no pandemic in the region.

Also, a few days earlier, quarantine measures were taken for the crew members of the liner, which arrived from Austria. To establish the diagnosis, tests were carried out three times, the results were negative. In the near future people will be discharged.

To date, no outbreak of coronavirus has been detected in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region. More than 200 people are under observation under the close attention of medical personnel.

The Ministry of Health of the Irkutsk Region, as well as the department of Rospotrebnadzor, is taking a number of measures to prevent the spread of the disease in the region. The largest university in Irkutsk, BSU, has already been closed to students. Introduced distance learning. Also:

  • School and preschool institutions do not allow children with symptoms of SARS to attend classes
  • Introduced special disinfection measures for places with high concentrations of people
  • Enhanced screening of passengers arriving from disadvantaged regions

Thanks to these actions, the answer to the question: “Was someone diagnosed with coronavirus confirmed or not?” Will be: “There is no outbreak of the disease in Irkutsk and the region!”

Is there a test system in Irkutsk for diagnosing coronavirus

The current epidemiological situation is complicated by the lack of funds to detect the disease. With the coronavirus infection taking the planet by surprise, methods of diagnosing it are being developed in the shortest possible time. The number of infected people is growing every day. But only those who have been in contact with an infected person, or who have arrived from regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, can be tested for the presence of infection.

The Irkutsk Anti-Plague Research Institute, together with the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Irkutsk Region, collects material and conducts primary studies in the laboratory, after which the samples are delivered to the Vector Medical Center located in Novosibirsk. To date, 1300 such tests have been carried out.

From this we can conclude that only those citizens who, at the discretion of doctors, should be hospitalized, can be tested for coronavirus.

The city is actively working to equip a new laboratory. It is in it that everyone will be allowed to be tested for coronavirus.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Irkutsk?

About a week ago, it became known that if a disease is suspected, residents of the city will be able to take tests for coronavirus in Irkutsk at the Irkutsk Infectious Diseases Hospital.

The chief infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health in the Irkutsk region Vladimir Khabudaev tells how to behave if there is a suspicion of infection with COVID-19. If a person has symptoms that indicate a possible infection with an infection, it is necessary to immediately report this to the clinic by phone and call an ambulance at home.

The main signs that indicate the presence of the disease, first of all, include:

  • labored breathing;
  • dry cough;
  • temperature from 37.5 to 39 degrees and above;
  • lack of smell and taste.

When these symptoms appear, it is not recommended to leave the apartment or get to the hospital on your own, because along the way you endanger other people. It is necessary to call medical staff at home.

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