The situation in Kirov in connection with the coronavirus

Coronavirus in Kirov was confirmed a few weeks ago. It all started with a married couple returning from Europe. Now the number of patients has increased. The city administration is taking restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the virus among Kirov residents.

Is there a coronavirus in Kirov

The number of patients with coronavirus in Kirov is gradually increasing. According to information received from the press center of the government of the Kirov region, the infectious diseases hospital is treating 10 people with a confirmed diagnosis. Two people have already recovered. These are spouses traveling around Europe, from whom the story of Kirov's infection began. Some of the patients encountered the virus during a trip in the same carriage from Moscow to Kirov.

Three more positive results were also received from men who recently returned from a trip to Chile and the Arab Emirates.

The disease is suspected in 7 more people. Test results are pending.

On the territory of the Kirov region, as well as throughout the country, the long weekend continues, which the president recently announced.

Since the exact number of cases is currently unknown, the government strongly recommends citizens to report themselves in a timely manner in case of a trip abroad, follow preventive recommendations, and provide care for their elderly relatives.

It is desirable to pay more attention to prevention, to appear less on the street and in crowded places.

Protection measures in Kirov

As the number of people infected with coronavirus in Kirov is gradually increasing, certain restrictions are recommended. Strict restrictions are being introduced in million-plus cities as people refuse to comply with quarantine measures. But the administration in the Kirov region sees no need for such strict restrictions.

The following restrictions have been introduced in the Kirov region:

  1. Ban on regional, inter-regional and all-Russian competitions without special notice.
  2. Stopped training and classes in physical culture and sports organizations, trips of athletes to other regions.
  3. Pupils of schools of the city and the region are taken out for early spring break.
  4. Universities, technical schools and colleges have been switched to distance learning.

The duty of patrol units was introduced to check places of possible congestion of people. The police will have to identify individuals who do not comply with the self-isolation regime and transfer materials to Rospotrebnadzor to bring violators to justice.

Also in Russia, work continues to control the restriction of the operation of shopping centers, catering points and other places where people go in large numbers. Compliance with quarantine measures is achieved by the administrations of municipalities, the police and other bodies.

Data on new cases of infection is widely available.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Kirov

The first case of coronavirus in Kirov forced the administration to take drastic measures and introduce restrictions. It also became possible to conduct a study on covid 19.

All wishing Kirov residents cannot take a coronavirus test on their own. The regional Ministry of Health reported a list of people who will be assigned a survey.

The following categories of citizens will be able to take an analysis for coronavirus:

  1. Those who have just arrived from a country or region where cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded.
  2. People who in the next two weeks have been in contact with a person suffering from a disease confirmed by laboratory tests.
  3. People who have symptoms of infection.

Only medical professionals can order an examination and take a sample for analysis. The procedure for determining the presence or absence of the virus is carried out by PCR. Nasopharyngeal swabs, sputum, blood and urine may be tested.

Who to call if you suspect coronavirus

The situation with the spread of the disease in the world is constantly deteriorating. The authorities are trying in every possible way to limit the rate of infection of the population. To do this, a hotline was organized in cities, including Kirov. Thanks to her, people can report information regarding the disease to the Ministry of Health.

The coronavirus hotline in Kirov receives calls from city residents free of charge. Each person can call if he returned to the territory of the country from another state where cases of the disease were detected. The arrivals must establish medical supervision.

It is important to inform the dates of stay outside and the country. 

If symptoms of the disease appear in the form of a dry cough, fever, weakness, and others, you must call the clinic at the place of residence and invite a doctor to the house. You do not need to go to the hospital, as you can accidentally infect other people.

Information about coronavirus in Kirov is constantly updated. The number of patients is increasing, there are recovered and new suspicions of the disease. People should follow preventive measures and report contacts with foreign tourists or visits to other countries. This will allow you to quickly determine the presence of the disease and isolate the infected from others.

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