How are things in Lipetsk in connection with the coronavirus

Public transport is not allowed without medical masks, planned medical care has come to an end - what other surprises should we expect from a coronavirus infection in Lipetsk? Citizens panic, and the number of infected increases every day. Everything about the situation with coronavirus in Lipetsk in the article.

How many cases of coronavirus in Lipetsk

The authorities say that the situation with coronavirus in Lipetsk is under control, but the number of cases is increasing every day. All patients with coronavirus in Lipetsk were placed in the regional infectious diseases clinical hospital, where they are under the supervision of experienced doctors and receive the necessary treatment, according to the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the country:

  • recorded cases of infection: 15
  • in hospital: 12
  • recovered: 3

The condition of all patients is called satisfactory, in total there are 15 confirmed cases of infection in the region. All citizens came from other countries. Where and under what circumstances citizens became infected with the coronavirus was not previously reported. Their relatives and those with whom they had contact before seeking medical help were placed under quarantine, and they were also tested for the virus. With a positive result, these citizens will also be hospitalized.

In 3 people, the symptoms of coronavirus infection receded. After completing the treatment, the townspeople were discharged from the medical facility. Thus, 12 people remain sick at the moment in the region. There have been no deaths from the coronavirus infection in the city.

Important! If you feel unwell and the first symptoms appear, you should seek medical help. No further deterioration should be expected. Early detection of the disease increases the chances of recovery.

Protective measures in the city against coronavirus

Since March 8, Lipetsk has begun to contain the coronavirus with additional measures. All shopping centers were closed in the region, mass events were canceled and postponed indefinitely. It is mentioned that the authorities also canceled the religious procession against the coronavirus, as it belongs to the category of events with a large crowd of people. Public transport has limited its movement, vehicles are being disinfected. The state has ensured the continuous operation of pharmacies and grocery stores, points of sale of essential goods: hygiene products for children and adults, pet products.

Walking dogs and throwing garbage is allowed, otherwise leaving the house is not recommended. Walking in playgrounds and parks is prohibited in order to reduce the spread of coronavirus infection in Russia. By decree of the President, citizens are released from work for a period until April 30 with the preservation of wages. Lipetsk, of course, joined the state quarantine. The authorities are trying to create all the conditions that will help to safely wait out the pandemic, and recommend citizens:

  • stay at home and leave your home as little as possible;
  • go to the store once every two or three days if necessary;
  • ensure regular ventilation of the premises;
  • carry out wet cleaning with the use of chlorine-containing products;
  • Try not to change your daily habits.

Is it true that the religious procession of the Russian Orthodox Church was canceled

It is known that since March 8, 2020, the coronavirus situation in Lipetsk forced the authorities to ban all planned and unscheduled mass events in the region. The procession of the Russian Orthodox Church was scheduled for March 15. Since the religious event also belongs to the category of mass events, it was canceled. We remind you that church services are currently held online, and everyone is welcome to join.

In addition to the religious procession of the Russian Orthodox Church in the city, all concerts, entertainment public programs for children and youth were canceled. All nightclubs and discos have closed, restaurants and catering outlets have also closed their doors to visitors. Quarantine has been introduced in the city, and Rospotrebnadzor monitors its observance.

Is there a panic in the city

The coronavirus epidemic is gaining momentum, creating panic in many cities and countries: people are buying up food and personal hygiene products, they are afraid to go out even in case of urgent need. According to local government, the situation with coronavirus in Lipetsk today is stable and controllable. Hospitals are ready to receive infected patients, individual wards are prepared. All intensive care units are provided with ventilators, if required. Local medical specialists consider the number of places and equipment sufficient to provide care for the sick. Despite this, the region is purchasing five additional new ventilators.

The experts identified a circle of contacts with those whose diagnoses were confirmed. They are isolated and awaiting test results for COVID-19.

The governor of the Lipetsk region, Igor Artamonov, asks local residents not to succumb to general panic. All services within the city are working in an enhanced mode: clearly and smoothly, preventing the spread of coronavirus infection

Coronavirus hotline in Lipetsk

The situation in the region prompted the creation of an operational headquarters under the leadership of the governor of the Lipetsk region. A hotline was introduced through which citizens can get all the information they need related to the spread of coronavirus infection at the number: 8-904-288-18-42 or 8(800)-450-48-48. By phone, experts promise to receive any messages on the situation in the region. Hotline dispatchers answer incoming calls 24 hours a day.

Stopping the spread of the coronavirus will only be possible with the coordinated work of citizens and the state. Quarantine gives you a chance not only to save your health, but also to spend time with your family. You should listen to the recommendations of the authorities and follow all protective measures. The health of the population largely depends on itself.

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