The situation in Makhachkala in connection with the coronavirus

At the end of 2019, scientists from China found a terrible virus that is transmitted from person to person. It received the scientific name COVID-19 and quickly spread around the world. At the beginning of 2020, all of Europe learned about its terrible consequences. The virus causes bilateral pneumonia and difficulty breathing. People all over the world monitor the statistics of infected and recovered daily. For residents of Makhachkala, the main question remains on the agenda: “Is there an epidemic in their city?”

Are there any patients with coronavirus in Makhachkala

Infection with coronavirus in Makhachkala at the end of March 2020 was detected. The first case was registered in a man on March 27, who was hospitalized at the Center for Infectious Diseases.

They became the deputy of the People's Assembly Timur Gusev. The man admitted that he had not left the country for the past six months. Express tests did not reveal positive results in Timur's relatives. The entire family is currently in home isolation. The patient calls his condition satisfactory and urged all residents to endure all the hardships of the situation with the coronavirus. The man has an elevated body temperature up to 37.5, which does not go astray, cough and loss of smell. It is located in a separate box, which can only be entered by a doctor for examination in special protection. The city authorities are taking thorough screening measures at the Airport for citizens who have returned from abroad and send them to a two-week quarantine.

Nine people were hospitalized with suspected coronavirus.

They are currently under lockdown. They have mild symptoms of SARS, so their health is monitored daily by doctors. All citizens are in isolated boxes. All people who come into contact with them are being tested for the presence of the virus. The diagnosis is confirmed in three stages, so it is too early to talk about forecasts. From all 9 patients, a second biomaterial was taken, which the doctors sent to Moscow. In the coming days, an answer should come from the capital. The first patient with suspected coronavirus was admitted to the hospital on March 24. In total, more than 500 tests for coronavirus were carried out among residents of Dagestan.

Protective measures in the city in connection with the coronavirus

The city has been quarantined. Educational institutions have been switched to distance learning. Since March 28, a non-working week has been introduced on the occasion of the rapid spread of coronavirus in Russia. All cafes, restaurants, beauty salons and entertainment centers are closed. Grocery stores, pharmacies, pet stores and emergency services will operate as usual. In cafes, you can only order food at home, the establishments themselves are closed until April 5. The city authorities daily inform city residents about the health risks of going out unnecessarily. In the risk category are patients over 65 years of age.

In older people, the disease is often severe with rapid progression of pneumonia. Volunteer movements have been created in the city that help lonely pensioners with the purchase of food and necessary medicines to maintain a normal life. All disinfection measures are being taken in the city. Public transport, railway stations and airports are thoroughly disinfected every day with special solutions that are sprayed by service workers in protective suits.

Patients with coronavirus in Makhachkala receive qualified medical care. The city's hospitals are ready for enhanced measures and the identification of new cases of the pandemic. In medical institutions, a detailed briefing of personnel was carried out. Hospitals have separate boxes and ventilators.

Is there a hotline for residents of the city

There is a hotline in Makhachkala (8722) 69-19-52. It is open from 10.00 to 17.00 with a lunch break from 13.00-13.45.

Each resident can make a call and find out reliable information on the case of coronavirus infection. Hotline operators will inform citizens about the epidemiological situation and measures taken by Rospotrebnadzor to protect the border from the threat of coronavirus import.

Is it possible to get tested for coronavirus in Makhachkala

Cases of coronavirus infection in Makhachkala have been confirmed. The city authorities are conducting rapid tests for citizens who have recently returned from other countries with an unfavorable situation for the coronavirus. Not everyone will be able to take the test. It is provided for the category of citizens who are in the zone of increased danger:

  • Citizens who have recently returned from other countries. Especially from Italy, USA, Spain and Germany.
  • People who were in contact with citizens who arrived from other countries.
  • Citizens with high body temperature and difficulty breathing.
  • Medical workers who are in a high-risk area due to contact with infected people.

These categories of citizens are primarily tested for coronavirus. Arriving citizens are tested right at the airport, after the test they will be sent to home isolation mode. The doctors come to the house. On the 7th and 10th day, take biomaterial for testing. A medical worker collects data on the state of health of a citizen and measures body temperature.

In cases, the appearance of signs of coronavirus or the presence of a positive result, he is hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. Testing is carried out at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. You can not come to hand over the material for analysis.

You need to call the hotline (8722) 69-19-52 or make a call to the emergency service 112 and 103. A medical team will come to your home and check residents for coronavirus in Makhachkala. The city authorities have purchased express tests, which are replenished daily. According to epidemiologists, “There is no need, all citizens will be checked. If you are at risk, call the hotline and report the situation. Try not to leave the house without unnecessary need and follow the rules of hygiene.

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