The situation with the new coronavirus in Novosibirsk

Coronavirus is a viral disease, the outbreak of which was registered in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Due to the openness of borders and the active movement of citizens to other countries, the Chinese virus appeared in Russia. In terms of the number of people infected with coronavirus, the Russian Federation ranks 48th. The authorities are taking serious measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

How many infected in Novosibirsk: a chronicle of events

93 cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered in the Russian Federation. The dangerous Chinese coronavirus was brought by people who had previously lived in unfavorable countries.

On January 25, material for tests was delivered to Novosibirsk from Irkutsk, the results of which will confirm or deny the development of coronavirus in students of Baikal University who are citizens of China.

On March 14, the results of the analyzes of two residents of Kemerovo came. They were positive, which was confirmed by the government of Kuzbass. Nadezhda Kutkina, deputy head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for Kuzbass, claims that people became infected with the coronavirus in Italy. After this incident, all tourists who fly to Novosibirsk from other countries are quarantined for two weeks.

On March 16, 543 people were in quarantine with suspected coronavirus. During the day, this figure increased to 583. During this period, 18 people who arrived from abroad were admitted to the infectious diseases hospital of Novosibirsk. Seven of them have tested negative, while the rest are still waiting for results.

From March 18, the region will be on high alert. The governor claims that the epidemiological situation remains calm. The region has organized a full-scale system for monitoring the health of people who stay on the territory of Novosibirsk.

Mass events are canceled due to the spread of coronavirus in Novosibirsk. On March 15, the Crimean Spring festival did not take place. Since March 18, in accordance with the order of the authorities, competitions at the inter-Russian, international and regional levels have been canceled. The authorities of the region banned the holding of mass events and creative competitions.

The Ministry of Education of the region has canceled all events at the Uchsib exhibition, which is to be held on March 19-21. In Novosibirsk, the game of hockey clubs Barys and Siberia has been canceled.

Rumors and truth

The fact that the coronavirus in Novosibirsk says most of the media. In order to avoid the spread of panic, it is necessary to determine whether the rumor or the truth is reaching us. For example, five Chinese students were diagnosed with type A influenza, and the media talked about their infection with the coronavirus.

On March 17, the Novosibirsk chat rooms posted information about the spraying of medicine at night over the city from helicopters. The press service of the Central Military District denied this information. Despite rumors, as of March 17, children who have recently been abroad show no signs of acute respiratory diseases.

Novosibirsk scientists about the symptoms of a new coronavirus

Despite the fact that the Chinese virus in Novosibirsk is not actively spreading, the authorities are doing everything possible to avoid a catastrophe. Experts say that the incubation period of the virus is 10-14 days, so they recommend citizens who have flown in from China to monitor their health for 2-3 weeks.

ATTENTION! If symptoms of SARS appear, you should seek help from a medical institution.

The new coronavirus is a close relative of the SARS virus that broke out in 2002. Coronavirus mutates easily, so it begins to be transmitted from animal to person and from person to person. Novosibirsk hospitals are already prepared to receive patients with coronavirus.

At the beginning of February, they housed people who were ill with the flu. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, muscle aches, and weakness. Coronavirus has the same symptoms. With untimely treatment of the disease, complications in the form of pneumonia appear.

Novosibirsk scientists told how to distinguish the Chinese coronavirus from the flu. In the early stages of the course of the disease, they have the same symptoms, so they are often confused. Pathologies are accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle pain, fever. The hallmarks are the presence of headache and joint pain in coronavirus.

Is there a vaccine for coronavirus?

There is no vaccine against coronavirus in Novosibirsk, as in other cities of the Russian Federation. In Russia, China and other countries, they are studying the coronavirus and developing drugs against it. According to experts' forecasts, the development of a vaccine will take an average of 18 months. In the United States of America, a drug has already been created that is being experimented on laboratory mice.

Security measures in the city

In order to avoid the number of patients with coronavirus in Novosibirsk, the authorities are asked to adhere to the rules of prevention. People are advised to wash their hands regularly with soap. The procedure should take no more than 10 minutes. Previously, it was advised not to leave the territory of the country and to refuse tourist trips to other states. As of today, all international communications are closed.

Mass and cultural gatherings are prohibited in Novosibirsk. If a person sneezes or coughs, it is recommended not to contact him. Meat products and eggs must be boiled at a high temperature before consumption. Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing and sneezing.

Coronavirus is a dangerous disease that has been reported in 51 countries. That is why the authorities of Novosibirsk, where the international airport is located, have taken strict measures to prevent the spread.

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