What are the authorities in Smolensk doing in connection with the coronavirus?

The coronavirus infection is spreading all over the world. Starting from China, it gradually found its way into almost every country. Every person is concerned about their health. It is important to know up-to-date information on the region in order to take timely measures against the spread of the disease. What is currently happening in Smolensk and the Smolensk region? What decisions are made by the authorities?

Is there a coronavirus in Smolensk

Official data from Rospotrebnadzor speaks of 762 people who are under surveillance. Most of them are in self-isolation at home. They returned from disadvantaged areas where the coronavirus is more active. As of March 31, 1 case of coronavirus has been officially registered in Smolensk. At the moment, the patient's condition is satisfactory. thus, the coronavirus in Smolensk is still under control.

Most of the people who are now under observation have already been tested for coronavirus. Research is being carried out by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Smolensk region. In Smolensk, laboratory tests are carried out at Clinical Hospital No. 1.

Is there a coronavirus in the Smolensk region

According to official data as of March 31, there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in the Smolensk region. However, 634 people who had contact with coronavirus patients live in the Smolensk region. Now they are being examined by doctors, and they are in self-isolation. Coronavirus in the Smolensk region may be detected in the coming days, when doctors will conduct all laboratory tests of blood samples obtained from people under suspicion.

Measures against coronavirus in Smolensk and the region

Despite the fact that the number of cases in Smolensk and the region is minimal, the authorities are already taking measures to prevent the spread of the disease in this territory. At the moment, a high alert mode has been introduced. In connection with this decision, there were restrictions and recommendations for citizens:

  1. It is not recommended to go outside unless absolutely necessary. On the street, it is necessary to adhere to safety measures: keep a distance of 1.5 meters from people, use protective masks and an antiseptic.
  2. From March 30, citizens have limited access to parks.
  3. Large shopping centers will be completely closed. This measure is to reduce crowded places.
  4. All bars, cafes and restaurants will be open, but you can’t visit them on April 5th. They only work for take-out and delivery.
  5. Also, nightclubs, theaters, playgrounds and all places of mass congestion of people fall under the ban.
  6. Kindergartens are closed, but not completely. There will be only a duty group for children of parents who go to work from March 30 to April 5.
  7. Educational institutions, sections and circles are temporarily closed until April 12. The decision to end or extend the quarantine will be made one of these days. This will depend on the epidemiological situation throughout the country.
  8. Hotels and boarding houses will not accept guests. The exception is people who are in the city on business trips.

In addition, all medical institutions closely monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and carry out disinfection.

The authorities are taking all measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Smolensk and the region. They ask people to follow all recommendations and refrain from going outside unless absolutely necessary. Also, if you have symptoms of a cold or coronavirus, you must stay at home in self-isolation. If the condition worsens, notify the attending physician about the situation. Those infected with the coronavirus must follow the rules of self-isolation so as not to put others at additional risk.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Smolensk

Coronavirus research is happening across the country. They are carried out in the laboratories of the centers of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, two private laboratories have already received a coronavirus test. "Helix" and "Hemotest" promise to soon distribute the tests to all branches of their laboratories.

Privately, no hospital conducts a coronavirus test in Smolensk. Clinical Hospital No. 1 is engaged in blood tests of patients who have returned from other countries.

Private diagnostic centers in Smolensk do not conduct such studies. Moreover, it is not known when they will receive the tests. "Helix" has them only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Gemotest has distributed tests only to clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region. Both laboratories promise that soon tests for coronavirus will be sent to other regional centers.

Coronavirus hotline in Smolensk

A separate hotline dedicated to the topic of coronavirus has been created for citizens. The epidemic is spreading, so more and more calls go to line operators. They are ready to answer all questions, as well as send those potentially infected with coronavirus infection to medical facilities, where patients are ready to receive and examine. It operates around the clock. For Smolensk and the Smolensk region, the current hotline number is: 27-10-95. Operators can be asked all questions regarding the epidemiological situation in Smolensk and the region, as well as the measures that the authorities are taking to control it.

Coronavirus infection, unfortunately, continues to spread and the Smolensk region is no exception. It is important to know all the rules and follow them to preserve the health of the population. The authorities are taking all measures to slow down the development and spread of the coronavirus, but without the help of every person in the country, this is impossible to do. With the development of the situation, it is possible to strengthen quarantine measures. Self-awareness is required from the citizens of Russia in order to overcome this test together in a short time and with minimal losses.

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